Heath Office
A health technician in our office is available to assist students who are feeling ill or are injured. The health technician has CPR and first-Aid training but cannot diagnose or recommend treatments. We have a registered school nurse on campus one-two days a week. There is, in addition, an "on call" nurse in the district at all times who can be reached by calling your school or the district office.
A student who is ill in the morning, has a fever of 100 degrees or more, has vomited within the last 24 hours, has lice, or has an undiagnosed rash, should not come to school. A student sustaining an injury away from school cannot be treated in the school for that injury.
A student who becomes ill or injured during the school day needs to get a pass to the health office from the teacher. A health technician will take the student's temperature and if appropriate, call the parent. The policy of our health office is to call the parent of any student sustaining a head injury, having a temperature of 100 degrees or more, with an undiagnosed rash or having "vomited" at school. Parents are not routinely contacted for minor visits to the health office. Please notify the health office if you would like special contact arrangements.
If a parent cannot be reached, we will call from the list of emergency names and numbers you provided on the health emergency card. It is very important to provide the school with accurate and current numbers for persons who would likely be available in your absence.
Please update these names and numbers throughout the year as needed so we can contact someone in a timely manner in case your child becomes ill or injured at school.
If you pick up your child at school for any reason, always sign him/her "out" on the checkout sheet provided in the health office.
If your child has an ongoing medical problem restricting him/her in any way , the office must be notified on a yearly basis. students with medical problems which occur during the year and which require restriction for more than three days in any school activity will need written verification by a physician.
The Escondido Union School District recognizes that some children need to take medication at school. To encourage school attendance, the school will assist by storing medicine at school for your child. However, we request that the following precautions be observed for the safety of your child and others.
a) A Medication Authorization and Plan form must be completed for prescription and over the counter medications and signed by you and your doctor stating the name of the medicine, dosage, time to be given, etc.
b) Please bring the medicine in the original prescription bottle for your child, or have responsible adult bring it to the school for you. (For the safety of students and by law, students are not permitted to carry medicine to and from school.)
c) Medication will be kept in a safe place at school. While we will take every precaution possible we cannot accept responsibility for loss or for the administration of the medication.
d) Please remind your child to report to the office to take the medicine at the appropriate time each day.
Please feel free to contact:
Nadine Alspach, School Nurse at (760) 432-2260 ext. 205 if you have any questions, or if there are special circumstances involved. She will be most pleased to assist you in any way.
The school must have valid emergency contact numbers at all times.
Please keep home contact information up to date and accurate. We will not release your child to anyone not listed as approved. You may send a note or call our office if there is a special circumstance for pick up on a particular day by an individual not listed.
Should it be necessary to take your child out of school for a doctor, dentist or out of town appointment , it is necessary that you come into the school office to check your child out of school. Children will not be released to the parent directly from the classroom nor will they be released to any person who is not on their emergency contact list. Appropriate photo identification will be required to pick up a child.