
Responsibility Plan

The L.R. Green School Student Responsibility Plan is designed to create a positive atmosphere where students can learn and teachers can teach.

Everyone at L.R. Green School is expected to do their very best at all times. Staff and students will work together to help every person in the school reach their full potential.

Positive reinforcement is an integral part of the building and classroom plans. A success oriented, positive environment will enhance the development of positive attitudes, work successes, and appropriate behavior from students and staff.

Clear, predetermined consequences have been developed as a part of the overall classroom management plan. A consequence is the result of breaking a rule and being responsible for that decision.


In the classroom, students will follow the teacher's classroom rules. When the student is in another class, the student will follow the rules and expectations of that teacher.

In the hallways, restrooms, playground, or waiting to be picked up, students will behave in a way that respects the physical safety and the emotional security of themselves and others. Students will be expected to treat others with respect.

Behavioral Management Procedures

The health and safety of each student, as well as the development of study habits, is essential for productive learning. A positive learning atmosphere allows pride in work, personal growth and competence in skills. In order to accomplish this environment we expect the following behaviors:





Please see the student expectations matrix for more details.

When a student makes a decision that does not meet the above standards, it may be necessary for an adult to intervene and assist with more appropriate decision-making. In order to ensure that the student has every opportunity to make appropriate decisions, the following procedures will be used to involve students and their parents:

Level 1

Examples of Behavior

Possible Consequences and Interventions

Failure to follow L.R. Green School Rules


Re-teach the rule

Child practices the rule

Teacher consequence according to classroom management system

Level 2

Examples of Behaviors

Possible Consequences and Interventions

Repeated Violation of Level 1 Behaviors

Level 1 plus

Parent contact by teacher

Restriction of privilege

Think Time assigned by teacher

Use Buddy Teacher

Parent Conference with Administrator

Level 3

Examples of Behaviors

Possible Consequences and Interventions

Repeated violations of levels 1 and 2

Extreme classroom disruption

Threatening harm to others

Intentional harm to others

Sexual Harassment

Racial Harassment

Powerschool Documentation

Recess/Lunch Detention in Office

Loss of classroom/campus privilege

In-School Suspension

Out-of-School Suspension

Referral to CSAT

Parent Notification by Administrator

Restriction from privileges

School Behavior Contract

Level 3 plus

Multiple day suspension

Possible expulsion

Referral to Law enforcement

Site or District Contract

Level 4

Examples of Behaviors

Possible Consequences and Interventions

Repeated Violations of Level 3 behaviors

Severe behavior violations defined by Education Code

A severe disruption is defined as a student whose behavior, either physical or verbal, inhibits the learning or teaching process. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated in the classroom, in other areas of the campus, on the way to or from school, on school transportation, or at other related school activities.

Playground Behavior – please refer to our School Website for rules

● "Warnings” and “Think Time" will be the primary disciplinary process used on the playground.

Think Slips: Staff will use the "think slip" ticket system to communicate when students are having difficulty choosing to follow the L.R. Green School rules.


During each school year, eligible students will receive recognition for outstanding behavior with white and green “Caught Being Great” slips.

School-Wide Reinforcement

● “Caught Being Great” slips – can be used for classroom and school-wide incentives

● School-wide Incentives – Award Assemblies, Ice Cream tickets, recognition at Friday Flag Assemblies

● Classroom Incentives – “Caught Being Great” slips can be used for classroom incentives and privileges


We agree to teach our students the L.R. Green School Rules and enforce them with all students on campus. This will be done through specific, direct mini-lessons during the first two weeks of school and weekly throughout the year. This includes the campus expectations as stated in the L.R. Green behavior expectation matrix.


Each classroom teacher will use appropriate interventions that encourage compliance with L.R. Green Rules.


Communication with parents is a key component of this plan. Corrections for misbehavior is difficult unless there is support and follow through from home.

If there are severe or recurring discipline problems at school, parents will be expected to work with the school staff to teach the child an alternative set of behaviors.